Founded in September-2020 by Yogendra Kumar Sinha and aims at providing the best and latest knowledge about Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Practices for sustainable livestock farming for better livelihoods throughout the world. Basic production practices, recent trends in animal rearing, value addition of animal products, better husbandry practices with special reference to climate change, healthcare tips, etc. will be thoroughly dealt with. In today’s world, linking farmers and dissemination of information through the internet is soaring heights and is a humble beginning in the same direction. The author believes that the prosperity of nation relies on the prosperity of the farmers which solely depends on livestock for their daily needs and livelihood, hence the tagline “Prosperous Livestock Prosperous Nation”. Moreover, extending up-to-date knowledge from lab to land i.e. from scientists to farmers is the basic theme of the portal.
- Home
- My Blog's
- Menu
- _Veterinary Drug Index
- _BSAVA Manual
- _Poultry Book
- _Veterinary Dictionary
- 1st YEAR
- __Veterinary Anatomy
- __Veterinary physiology
- __Livestock P & M (LPM)
- 2nd YEAR
- __Vety. Pathology
- __Vety. Biochemistry
- __Animal Nutrition
- __Vety. Microbiology
- __Animal Gen. & Breeding
- 3rd YEAR
- __Vety. Pharmacology
- __Vety. Parasitology
- __Vety. A.H. & Extension
- __Vety. Public Health
- __Live. Prod.Technology
- __LFP (Farm Practice)
- 4th YEAR
- __Vety. Clinical Practice
- __Vety. Medicine
- __Vety. Surgery
- __Vety. Gynacology
- About
- _About Us
- _Term & Conditions
- _Privacy Policy
- _Disclaimer
- _Sitemap
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